Baptism is about going under the water, symbolizing all that is old, dark, and dead in our lives and leaving it there—and being raised to life with Jesus!


You can talk with your Home Church, Celebrate Recovery leader, ministry leader or simply reach out to Jamie, our pastor of adult discipleship.


Baptism can happen in our Sunday services but can also happen pretty much anywhere and anytime. This is a celebration of your journey with Jesus with those closest to you. No big crowds, no pressure, just the chance for you to say "yes" to following Jesus in baptism.


  • Anyone who has decided to trust Jesus, choosing to follow his way of love, forgiveness and new life. Whether you have followed Jesus for a while or are just starting to do so, baptism is for you.

  • Because baptism is celebrated in community, we see people being baptized with family and their Jesus-centred communities like Home Church and Youth Group in backyard pools, a lake, a hot tub or in Bethany’s building. So really, you can be baptized any time.

  • Though we deeply value hearing and sharing the stories of how Jesus is working in our lives to bring hope, healing and purpose, sharing your story is not mandatory for being baptized at Bethany. We do make sharing your story a very comfortable experience though, so you get to share more about Jesus in your life and others can be encouraged to follow Him too. We do this by inviting you to respond to these four simple and straightforward questions:

    When and how did you start following Jesus?

    Who is Jesus in your life now?

    What difference is he making in your life?

    Why are you choosing to be baptized?

  • First, let us know you want to be baptized! You can do that simply by emailing jamie@bethanycc.ca or by talking with one of the pastors in your Jesus-centred community.

    From there we’ll share with you everything you’ll need to know, including:

    How to share your story - if you choose to do so

    Scheduling a time to celebrate your baptism

    Setting up when to record your story

    We’ll walk with you through every step of the process!

  • Yes! Celebrating baptism with your Home Church or other Jesus-centred community is an exciting and meaningful experience and we’re all for it. If you choose this option we’d still love for others to film or take photos of the whole thing to share and celebrate with our wider Bethany family.
