Summer Staff Spotlight: Leveraging The Arts with Miranda
My name is Miranda and I’m part of the Summer Staff as the Creative Media Assistant here at Bethany!
This summer I am excited about creating content that honours and reflects Jesus and the truth of the Bible. Being a part of a community that brings their skills and talents together to share the Word of God with those who know Jesus and those who have never heard of Jesus before is so special and using my gifts and talents to create really meaningful content is such life-giving work. I am especially looking forward to creating media content for the sermon series’ and being on the ground support for Live Streaming services over the weekends.
The work I get to do is especially exciting for me because I get to apply what I have learned in school to real-life applications and situations. I get to bounce ideas and concepts off of a strong team who are all aiming for the same goal of sharing the message of the Gospel. I really love helping out with the livestream aspect of the job because not only do I get to create content but also help share it with those of the community that aren’t able to make it in person to the weekend services. It also allows me to expand my skills and abilities and I get the opportunity to combine two elements of broadcasting - Film and live Television - together, which just makes me happy.
I’m really passionate about the work we do in Creative Arts and Production because it allows us to expand our reach to those who don’t have as much access to hearing the message of Jesus as well as communicating the message in different ways. Not everyone understands and learns in the same way, so being able to leverage media and the creative arts to share the Gospel in new and different ways is something I’m excited to continue to do through the summer!