Patty is a Missions Partner supported by Bethany Community Church.


I work at Youth Unlimited in Ontario Canada



My name is Patty Johnson and I am passionate about serving and supporting young moms through their pregnancy and motherhood.

I started serving young moms through the ministry at Hannah House Maternity Home.  It was there that I met some of the strongest young women I know and knew that I was being called to work with young moms. When Hannah House closed in 2017, I asked God what would happen to all these young women we served.  I felt that God birthed in me at that time a vision for young moms ministry.  I was still homeschooling my children at that time and felt that this ministry would happen when my kids were older.  I continued relationships that I had from Hannah House and supported 3 young moms during the next 2 years.  When we put our children in school, I started to look for a job that would still allow me to be flexible with my time so I could still be around for my teenage boys. I saw a posting for young moms ministry at Youth Unlimited. I spoke with the Regional Director and shared my vision.  Soon after I started as Family Ministry Director at Youth Unlimited YFC.  I want the young parents to know  that they have been created with a purpose. I believe in the potential of every young parent to become a transformative presence in their home.


I serve young parents up to the age of 25. We provide prenatal classes, support group, cooking classes, mom to mom mentoring and a Baby Boutique where moms can get everything they need for their baby.


Pray for the young moms in Niagara who are dealing with mental health issues, trauma, abuse and addictions.We celebrate each week when our moms walk through the door because we know they are overcoming so much to get there.

Pray for volunteers.  We are always looking for volunteers to play with the children so the moms can focus on their program.  As well, we are looking for experienced moms and dads who can be mentors to our young parents.




Summer Staff Spotlight: Leveraging The Arts with Miranda